Zhajiang Mian (炸醬麵)

Zhajiang Mian (炸醬麵)

  I was living in Beijing at the time when I came across this little bit of food history – the origins of Swiss cheese fondue. It was printed on a board attached to the back of the drivers seat in a taxi. It was 



Even as a child I’ve always loved the name Gugelhupf. I wasn’t entirely sure what it was, aside from a cake but the name alone seemed to promise a bit of old fashioned mystery and fun. Now, if you’re not a native German speaker you may 

Guacamole a la Madre

Guacamole a la Madre

  The sun is beating down on your head, relentlessly. Thankfully you’ve remembered your hat! The sand is sticking to your wet toes, your skin smells of seawater and sunscreen. The sea, a rich blue is glistening next to you, topped with little wisps of